Why Fantasmin?

We have chosen to make Fantasmin our main character because we think that most of the traveling guides around Montreal just explain what the place looks like and a little bit of background. By adding Fantasmin as our guide, we think people would be more interested in choosing our traveling guide.

Why is he important?

Fantasmin is important because he possesses what other guides don’t. He’s got plenty of charm!

Fantasmin can relate to people of all ages, which makes him the perfect fit for this guide. There are a lot of people of all ages who want to travel around Montreal, people from all over the world. Also, he possesses plenty of knowledge about Montreal’s history. It is important to preserve our culture while learning about our history, and the best way of doing so is by having fun meanwhile.

We want to make people know more about Montreal by using a method that doesn’t look like any other traveling guide that exists already.


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