Welcome to our Capyskills Project

About Us


This project is dedicated to instruct the emotional regulation for individuals of all ages. Our goal is to equip people across generations with the necessary skills to manage their emotions effectively while participating in many activites.

The objective of this project is to master emotional regulation not only during sports activities, but also in our regular lives. We've developed this online platform to facilitate individuals in enhancing their ability to manage anger and emotions effectively, and communicate what they lack in order to achieve their goals.

Through the use of Capyskills, we believe this is posible.



Introducing Capyskills! Capy would like to see all of us improve our Capyskills. Capyskills are soft skills like communication, time management and collaboration. Capy has developed grids of these transversal competencies to help you evaluate your level and guide you on how to improve.

To enhance your competency in setting goals, begin by self-evaluating your current level; for instance, at level 6, you should be capable of creating an action plan for each goal. Collect evidence to support your self-assessment, such as examples of past action plans you have created and their outcomes. Next, arrange a meeting with a mentor or teacher to confirm your level and to identify areas for improvement. Together, develop a strategy to advance your skills. As you work on your project, implement the improvement plan and conduct weekly self-evaluations to monitor your progress. Briefly meet with your mentor regularly to discuss your progress. When you achieve a new level, celebrate your success, explore other Capyskills, and continue to develop your abilities. This process aims to help you improve in areas that are most significant to you.

For an example of how mentors work, follow this link.

Our Project

Self Evaluation

Our project is very simple. The idea is that you choose a grid from Capyskills of your choice, preferable a topic that you like and self-evaluate yourself. We decided to make the project with a soccer thematic, but it doesn't need to be only about soccer! At the end of your evaluation, you can send us feedback on your progress!

The reason why we chose to do it about soccer is because the Capyskills grid chosen by Daniel was Physical Education. Before Capyskills, I found it very hard to control my emotions when playing. By leveling up using the Capyskills grid, I realized that I got stuck in the level 6 because I couldn't show responsibility by taking ownership of my words, actions, and attitude. I think that by self-evaluating myself I have improved my temper significantly.

In the case of Flavia, she chose Creating Desing Projects as her grid. Flavia gets stressed easily when thinking about new projects. However, Capyskills has helped her control these emotions and improve her attitude.

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