Welcome to My About Space

Hi Everyone, my name is Daniel. I am learning coding, programming, and photography in the Multimedia Integration program at Vanier College. I am an International Student seeking for a better future.

I came to Montreal 4 years ago. I am very grateful since this country has given me the chance to have new experiences. Among my hobbies there is sports, gaming and music.


I am somebody who loves sports. Soccer has been my real passion since I was a kid, but I also like other sports like baseball, basketball, and E-Sports (Gaming Sports)


Gaming has been part of my life ever since I started to get into computers. I think I am someone very competetive and gaming makes me challenge myself to be the better version of me. I enjoy gaming because it helps me relax and feel better.

On the top there's some of my favorite games at the moment. Elden Ring, Starfield, League of Legends and Valorant.

